Spiritual Books
By Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Internationally known spiritual leaders Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet have created a library of spiritual books that have become esoteric classics. These teachings of the ascended masters cover the study of the human and divine aspects man’s consciousness.
Summit Lighthouse books are available in 27 languages and are internationally distributed in more than 33 markets.
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The complete guide on the ascended masters and their etheric retreats. Shows in the world of Spirit, there is no division of race, religion or philosophy. This in-depth encyclopedia covers the retreats of all known Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim and Cosmic Beings. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle
New Releases

Summit Lighthouse Pocket Guides
Easy to understand pocket guides offer a fast study of topics ranging from meeting the Ascended Masters, mastering the fires of the heart and the violet flame, to understanding the human aura and your divine nature.

Access The Power of Your Higher Self Ten dynamic steps with simple techniques to help develop a close working relationship with Spirit―and to experience the joy, peace and empowerment that is our spiritual birthright. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Alchemy of the Heart The sensitive, profound and rare insights in Alchemy of the Heart help us gain entree into the most precious, and misunderstood, component of our being―the heart. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

The Art of Practical Spirituality Practical steps for staying in tune with Spirit amidst the bustle of everyday life, listening to the still small voice within, and living in the here and now. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or on Kindle

Creative Abundance With simple wisdom and spiritual realism, Creative Abundance takes a look at the practical dimensions of abundance. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Creative Power of Sound Sound is the energy of creation. Recent scientific advances point to what mystics have known for thousands of years: sound holds the key to the creation of the universe―and it can create spiritual and material change in our lives. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

How To Work With Nature Spirits This inspiring book provides practical spiritual tools to restore harmony to the environment, mitigate extreme weather conditions, and return Earth to its original pristine beauty. Buy Kindle

Karma & Reincarnation Learn about group karma, what we do between lives, and what the great lights of East and West have to say about karma and reincarnation. Turn karmic encounters into grand opportunities to shape a positive future. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Soul Mates and Twin Flames explores the spiritual dimension of relationships. You’ll learn the difference between soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners along with practical tips for working on whatever relationship you are in and attracting your highest love. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

The Story of Your Soul Elizabeth Clare Prophet tells the story of your soul. It is a story of awakening and overcoming, a story that champions your profound worth and nobility. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Your Seven Energy Centers contains powerful insights and tools for wholeness based on the science of the body’s subtle energy system. It draws from the wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions to show how you can nurture your soul through seven stages of personal growth. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Includes sections on Archangel Michael’s gifts of courage and faith, true stories of his intercession, keys to invoking heavenly assistance, and valuable tips on building a strong relationship with this powerful angel. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul Healers and alchemists have used this high-frequency spiritual energy to bring about energetic balance and spiritual transformation. Learn how to apply the practical techniques in this book to create balance, harmony and positive change in body, mind and soul. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle
Teachings Of The Ascended Masters

Lost Years of Jesus Ancient texts reveal that Jesus spent 17 years in Asia. They say that from age 13 to age 29, Jesus traveled to India, Nepal, Ladakh and Tibet as both student and teacher. Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings together the testimony of four eyewitnesses—and three variant translations—of these remarkable documents.Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Chela and the Path Keys to Soul Master in the Aquarian age. Personal instruction from the heart and mind of El Morya to you. Foundational for those who would know their true potential and how to fulfill it. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Meet the Master Saint Germain Meet the ascended master Saint Germain, spiritual alchemist, through his lifetimes and key teachings on the violet flame and the 9 Steps of Precipitation. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Meet the Master Hilarion Learn the amazing story of ascended master Hilarion’s lives as Saints Paul and Hilarion and his spiritual keys and insight for healing body, mind and soul. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle
Morya and You Trilogy Get to know El Morya by reading about his previous lives and his words of tender care for your soul. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Morya The Darjeeling Master speaks to his chelas on the Quest for the Holy Grail This collection of early dictations of the ascended master El Morya by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet acquaints you with Morya and your potential as a chela. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore

Ashram Notes By El Morya and Mark Prophet Buy direct from Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras What science is only beginning to discover, healers, mystics and sages have known for centuries—the human aura. How does it influence behavior, health, success and relationships? In The Human Aura and learn how to activate the energy, intelligence and creativity that are native to your being. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Saint Germain on Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation In the eighteenth century, this “Wonderman of Europe” was the confidant of kings and a friend to the poor. Today the master Saint Germain shows that miracles are nothing more than the natural outgrowth of the practice of spiritual alchemy. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Inner Perspectives: A Guidebook for the Spiritual Journey Interviews with Elizabeth Clare Prophet that covers the Ascended Masters’ Teachings with thoroughness and clarity – sheds light on life’s mysteries. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power With intriguing new perspectives, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explores the Kabbalah, the once-secret Jewish mystical tradition. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore

The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray These foundational teachings on the Path of the Ruby Ray from Sanat Kumara are for those who would serve as initiates of Divine Love. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle
Keys to the Kingdom Introduces the foundational teachings of the Ascended Masters – the I AM Presence, Christ Self, angels, ascension, nature spirits, and the violet flame. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore

Prayer and Meditation Jesus and Kuthumi outline the role of prayer and meditation for the flow of the energies of the Father-Mother God whereby you can become your Real Self. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore

Odyssey of your Soul This voyage of self-discovery is Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s insightful interpretation of the rites of passage and inner drama hidden in The Odyssey by Homer. The Summit Lighthouse bookstore

Quietly Comes The Buddha: Awakening Your Inner Buddha-Nature The treasured original edition of Quietly Comes the Buddha – Gautama’s teaching on the 10 Perfections of the Law. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine: Jesus’ Lost Teachings on Woman Elizabeth Clare Prophet offers a unique perspective on the feminist movement based on the lost Gnostic teachings of Jesus – his lost teachings on woman. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore

Mary’s Message For A New Day Golden Word of Mary series, #1 includes Mother Mary’s embodiments, the rosary’s history, scriptural rosaries’ text, and dictations from Mother Mary. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Mary’s Message of Divine Love Golden Word of Mary series, #2 A fascinating account of Mother Mary’s life after Jesus’ ascension, traveling across Europe establishing spiritual focuses plus a history of her appearances. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Community a Journey to the heart of Spiritual Community Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore

Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity This groundbreaking work makes the case that Jesus taught reincarnation and traces the history of reincarnation in Christianity—from Jesus and early Christians through Church councils and the persecution of so-called heretics. Using the latest scholarship and evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic texts, it shows that Jesus was a mystic who taught that our destiny is to unite with the God within. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Lords of the Seven Rays Lords of the Seven Rays tells the stories of seven masters who reached for and accomplished the goal of self-transcendence on each of the seven paths, or ‘rays’, of spiritual growth. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle

Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil Elizabeth Clare Prophet examines the controversy surrounding the book of Enoch and sheds new light on its forbidden mysteries. She demonstrates that Jesus and the apostles studied the book and tells why church fathers suppressed its teaching that angels could incarnate in human bodies. Buy direct from The Summit Lighthouse bookstore or Kindle